

My overall goal is to educate, inform and connect people to resources that can aid in redemptive justice. In an attempt to do so, I have created this resource page. Here you will find links to books, articles, podcasts, documentaries and organizations all centered around the topics of growth, learning, and advocacy. For those who are Christian, I understand that you may have reservations because a lot of these resources are not from “our perspective.” Still, I pray that you won't let that impede you from learning about the realities that people face in this world. Instead, I ask that you examine these sources in prayer and ask God to show you how you can actively join him in the task of loving those in need. My hope is by taking these steps you and those around you will eventually create movements for social change within your spheres of influence. Only then will we experience true restoration with others and within the church. 

Selected books from topics including but not limited to history, politics, race, identity, and faith that can help you start the lifelong process of growth and learning.

Selected news and research from topics including but not limited to history, politics, race, identity, and faith that can help you start the lifelong process of growth and learning.

Selected podcasts and episodes that can help you start the lifelong process of growth and learning.

Selected websites, organizations, and films that can help you take practical steps towards effective advocacy work and social justice.