What's your idea of perfect happiness?
First a caveat… to me, there is no such thing as perfect on this side of heaven.
But anyways….
Perfect happiness to me is LOVE - a daily, conscious commitment to care for others regardless of feelings or circumstances. Not to say that love is absent of hurdles and trials, but each person makes a conscious decision to walk with the other despite what life decides to throw at them. They actively participate and listen; they are gracious, willing to compromise and revel at the thought of healthy human connection. They honor God by simply living in community, understanding that nothing is perfect or guaranteed.
With that said, my happiest memories are the ones where my friends and I get the opportunity to talk and laugh with one another. We can all attest to seasons of hard times, but at the end of the day, we actively choose to love each other daily. We make a conscious choice to correct, encourage, motivate, support, and even provide opportunities for our community to grieve or mourn. Within this way of being, success is an opportunity to elevate others, and failure is just an opportunity for growth and development.
As you read my post and reflect on this question, I invite you to consider: what is your idea of perfect happiness? Again, although I would argue that finding perfection on this side of heaven is implausible, one thing God has shown me is that loving others has a way of cultivating happiness and joy when we need it the most.